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Day (2012)

People whom you know now are people who passed by you several times without noticing each other's existence. People are influenced by and influence change in the environment. Imagine your daily commute. Maybe you get on the metro, on a bus, or in your car every morning.

      Day series explores the boundaries between the actual realm of public space and these ephemeral perceptions of the realm from an individual viewpoint. In these works, I try to engage with personal recognition of spaces and play with the realm's similarities and differences in a visually abstract loop.

​      This piece is based on active time and a static place. I used seven days of videos of the same place to create a 3D projection via a set of passive 3D projection systems.  Most of the scenes overlap on different videos, but at a certain time, 3D effects work on all the static buildings and statues, but the moving objects overlap.

      Every day you walk on the same street, get in the same elevator and take the same stairwell. Although your commuting journey looks pretty much the same, things you don't notice may be changing. I'm interested in the occurrence that makes us aware of changes in our everyday spaces. How do we recognize ephemeral changes, and when do we see our own effects on the places we move through? Slight similarities and slight differences in spaces at ephemeral times are my interest. In specific, I want to explore the ambiguity of the character of spaces via invisible, ephemeral relationships with time.

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